Monday, November 3, 2008

Movie Reviews

Here are my opinions on a few movies I have seen in the last month or two.
"The Women". This is a remake of an old 30's movie. I went to see it in the theatre with my sister. I really am not much into chick flicks, but despite the title, this does not fit the category. I LAUGHED OUT LOUD on several occasions. Once neither Annie nor I could stop for several minutes, after the scene had changed and everything. I was curious how Meg Ryan would do, and I was satisfied. I've always thought she was cute, then she went through a weird period after her divorce and her lips got too big... Anyway, SEE IT! GO with some girlfriends and have a good time. PS there are NO men in the movie at all.

"Run Fat Boy Run" Jon and I watched this On Demand one night after the kids were in bed. Personally, I am a fan of British humor. Kind of dry and subtle. So, I expected to laugh a lot, which I did, most often at unexpected times. What I was surprised about was that I nearly cried. Perhaps I was a little biased since I recently completed my first marathon, but it was inspiring. I don't know that I would pay full price to see it in a theatre but I would definatley recommend watching it at home sometime. It won't be a waste of your time and you'll walk away feeling good.

"The Other Boleyn Girl" I watched this On Demand one night by myself when Jon was out with the guys. I think he might have actually enjoyed it, with all the steamy romance! It was interesting. Strange period of time, as far as relationships go! I was entertained. Wouldn't see it in the theatre, wouldn't watch it at a party, but it has its time and place: home alone.

"The Love Guru" LAME!!!! Don't waste your time. You will not laugh, and if you do, it will just be a weak-hearted exhale of a laugh. Jon and I watched this over the weekend when the kids were in bed. Disappointing.

"High School Musical 3" You may have seen on a recent post that I took my girls to see this on Paige's birthday. There were some other friends and moms there too. I think the moms enjoyed it at least as much as the kids, if not more. Troy: HHHHOT! Gabriella: cheesy and annoying. Music: catchy (got Paige the sound track) Entertainment Value: high.

"Baby Mama" OH MY HECK! I liked this movie more than I thought I would. Maybe it's because I wasn't expecting it to be as funny as it was. I watched this one alone one night while Jon was out. I laughed and laughed, a lot. I was thinking of certain scenes for days after and would laugh out loud again. Tina and Amy are such a funny combination, and the guy who plays Amy's boyfriend had to be my favorite. So perfectly executed; not too over-the-top but that guy can pull off white trash! You will laugh! See it. Wha Wha!


  1. I really liked Baby mama too. It was quite clever and it kind of had a twist that I wasn't expecting. I like the Other Boylen girl too...kind of crazy, actually really crazy! Thanks for the review, I will have to check out the others.

  2. Thanks for the reviews. I have really been debating if I should see Baby Momma, and Run Fat Boy Run looks pretty funny too. I also enjoyed the Other Boylen Girl. I didnt really care much for the Women, I spent money in the theater and I think it was more of a rental for me.

  3. I sent a clip from Run fat Boy Run to Michelle after you guys ran the marathon. I haven't seen the movie but the giant blister scene made me think of her.
