Thursday, November 6, 2008


This morning as I was loading my kids in the car to drive them to the bus stop (Yes, we have to drive to our bus stop!) I had a rare moment. I just felt thrilled about this time in my life. I love having kids. I love that I still feel young. I love watching them blossom. It is exciting. It is rewarding. It is fun.

By the end of the day, my perspective had changed some. I had the more common feeling of being overwhelmed by all my responsibilities.

*Getting three meals a day: something easy to prepare, suitable to the tastes of 5 people,
affordable, nutritious

*Making sure the kids are clean and presentable: bathed, hair combed, dressed in something
appropriate to the weather their genders.

*Getting them to bed on time at night and up on time in the morning
* homework done, including reading 20 minutes a day (doesn't sound like much but trust me..)
*piano practice done: before it gets too dark since the piano is in the room that has no lighting
and amid the noise and chaos of the other children

*bills paid
*soap in all the bathrooms
*lightbulbs replaced
*laundry: need I say more? Always overflowing baskets, never done, I think I am the perpetual

*house clean: never every room all at the same time!
*doctor's appointments
*dentist appointments

*gifts or cards for family and friends birthdays and various holidays and special occasions.

*oil changed, tires rotated, heaven forbid safety and emissions rolls around

*car washed, or at least the interior cleared of wrappers, shoes, food, sippy cups, papers, etc.

*church calling: varies but always something


*family scriptures, prayer, and Family Home Evening
*personal prayer and scripture study (make it meaningful!)
*couple prayer (can't remember the last time)
*food storage
*Keeping the kids dressers cleaned out and making sure they have clothes that fit.
*volunteering in the school classrooms so I can be involved in their education
*husband: just something else that requires attention and time (am I the only one that has this
bad of an attitude? Some days, anyway. Just being honest.)

And then you throw into the system a variety of wrenches: hormones, illness, lack of sleep, holidays, vacations...
Jon's always on me to document all these priceless memories, so I gotta blog!! This counts as writing in a journal, right?

Then you gotta find time in there for fun: a hobby, a TV show, a movie, a sporting event, a party, a girls night out, a date, whatever.

Life is busy! Is there ever a point when you are "there". I look at each item on the list and you know what? I can find JOY in each one of them. And I do. There are those days, though, when it's all at once and then I don't find joy in any of it. That's when I need to SLOW DOWN and remember that moment I had this morning. Who cares if it's not ALL done ALL the TIME? So, Charlie wears dresses in public once in a while. And Haily wore floods on the first day of school. And I pull dirty jeans out of the hamper on occasion. And Jon gets neglected WAY to often. And, dentist? Oops. And a corn dog for dinner never hurt anyone. We are getting by. We are surviving. We are THERE.


  1. Easy to get overwhelmed!! You're not alone. We just have do our best. Because, We can do hard things. :)And sometimes corndogs are our best. They were at our house yesterday.

  2. I just love you. I do.

    When we were in highschool/college we were always so close to eachother that our lives were typically quite similiar. I find it amusingly that now even though we live so far apart our lives are still very similar.

    I love Amy. I love Katie.

  3. It is so easy to get overwhelmed!You are not alone! I think you are a great mother and that's what matters most!
