Sunday, November 16, 2008

5 bad brothers from the beantown land

July 5, 1990:
My aunt Tracey gave me tickets for my 12th birthday to a concert of a little boy band sweeping the nation called New Kids on the Block. About 6 weeks earlier she had given my brother tickets for his birthday and I was seething with jealousy so I said, "I don't really like them. They are not that cool." How stupid did I feel when I opened mine?
We went to the concert with my two aunts Steph and Mindy and sat pretty much on the back row of the nose bleed section. This was my first concert ever and I was so star struck just being in the same room (no matter if it was an enormous arena). This really kicked up my romance with the fellas, particularly Joey because he was closest to my age. My aunts had a poster on their bedroom wall and we would each kiss our favorite goodnight. I think we made quite the pair, Joey and I, with our matching hairstyles.

December 1996
Well, I grew up some and my "boyfriends" broke up and seemed to disappear, although not from my heart. My friend Jolene and I went to visit some friends in Massachusetts. We took a little excursion to Boston and on the top floor of one of the downtown towers there is a wall with photos of famous people from Beantown. Of course I had to get my picture taken with my lovas:
October 19, 2008
I was browsing some of my friends blogs and came across this:

As I read about the concert my heart began to pound and I was so excited I could hardly sleep. But I did sleep long enough to dream that they were coming to Salt Lake. So the next day I say to Jon, "GUESS WHERE KATIE WENT?!?! A New Kids Concert!!!" He goes, "Oh really? You know they are coming to Salt Lake." WHAT!!!!!??? No I did not know that! But now it's destiny that I be there. I start making phone calls. Rally the girls to see who wants to go. Within a week I got an email from my neighbor Marci saying she got an email offering 20$ tickets to New Kids and do I want to go? Sign me the freak up.

November 4, 2008
Michelle downloaded the greatest hits album and THE BLOCK, their latest album and made copies for the group of us groupies so we could know the music for the big day. This is all I have been listening to, in the car, at the gym, even falling asleep at night. Michelle and I have fun texting some of the awesome lyrics to each other. I could seriously do a complete post on my favorite lines from the new songs...but let's save that for another day.

November 13, 2008
The girls get together for a night of preparation we called the pre-show. We made t-shirts and posters and watched the Behind the Music on the New Kids. We really took the research seriously. Here is what I put on the back of my shirt.
How hot is THAT?
That night I dreamt that they stayed at my house while they were in town for the concert. I had a farewell dinner to which I invited all my friends.

November 15, 2008

The day has finally arrived. The culmination of an 18 year love affair! Michelle, Marci, Richelle, Annie and I met at Paradise Cafe for a little dinner. I was so excited I hardly had an appetite. (Which is RARE!) We then headed out for the time of our lives!

This is the poster we created thanks to Michelle's hilarious-ness, my poster making skills, and Marci's supplies. All our husbands were thrilled. We thought about adding a little something about "my bishop said you could be my freebie..." but decided against it. The heart breaker was that we weren't allowed to take it inside!
Here we are distributing the day glow that Michelle provided. These are the kind that you put in your mouth like a sexy retainer. They looked like something else which gave us a good laugh.
They did a few songs on this little round stage in the middle. One of which was Dirty Dancing, one of my new favorites.

This is the 5 of us at the end of the concert. I seriously jumped, danced, screamed, and sang the entire time. I was so sweaty! And my voice was GONE the next morning. We had to make a stop at the SEV on the way home to get a soothing Slurpee.

This was truly the most fun I've had in a long time. The noise was crazy, the cheering and screaming never stopped. I HIGHLY recommend the new album, even if you've never been a fan. This is some good stuff. I'm tempted to make a road trip to San Diego to do it all over again.


  1. I took a double take of the picture of you holding the square wrapper. Especially after that banner! You party animal!!

    Looks like fun!

  2. San Diego here we come!
    Oh how I wish.
    Thanks for partying it up with me.
    LOVE YOU and your own hilarious-ness!

  3. When I read the part about San Diego it really made me want to do it again too! I think Russ is ready for me to move on though. I would love to see that show again.

  4. I also love all the pictures of you as a younger fanatic - you're so cute! I can totally see you with Joey at that age.

  5. Sounds like you gals had a fun time! We are looking forward to going to Cold Play with you guys on saturday, i've heard Chris Martin puts on quite the show! I am way excited!

  6. Was I invited to dinner with the New Kids at your house? :)
    I must say, you really ARE good at making posters. remember you and Adam B. were in charge of posters our senior year?

    Love the post, love the new kids, love you!

  7. Lol! I loved reading your post. I also really liked their concert even though I had never heard their music before, I guess I missed that stage growing up I was the later lover of other boy bands like NSYNC and Backstreet Boys, so at least I had the background. I loved the show and their music. I really like the new album! Summertime, Dirty Dancing, 2 in the Morning and Its offically over. SO GOOD!!!

  8. What a nastalgic post,love the memories. My sister (who at the time I claimed was so lame) had the posters, the shirts; We even had the New Kids on the Block sleeping bag. I hope they sang "The Right Stuff". The concert anticipation and preshow party made me so want to be included. That poster rocks. Save it for San Diego.

  9. amy! You are so cute and witty! I just scrolled through a bunch of your posts b/c i wanted to see the kids. I cannot believe paige and haily...oh...and i've never even seen charlie. but it seems like yesterday little paigey was a teeeny baby along with little noah. they're so big now! love your blog. i'm a new reader!
