Monday, February 2, 2009


I was tagged by my SIL Joc to make a list of 10 things that BUG me. So here goes, and I tag anyone reading this!

1. loud eating

2. chaos

3. Chronic lateness (once in a while I can handle...but not EVERY time!)

4. inappropriate competitiveness. (there's a time and a place, and it's not at a casual family gathering, for example)

5. ignorance (particularly when someone is talking about something like they are an expert and they have no idea what they are talking about.)

6. ingratitude

7. sense of entitlement

8. bad manners regarding bodily functions (burping, spitting, public gas passing...)

9. Sports talk shows because they talk about, analyze, re-hash, discuss...on and on and on about NONSENSE! It's a game!

10. Disrespect.


  1. the inoppropriate copettivtivness (wow, i probably spelled that way wrong, but you got the idea), is a good one! There's really nothing worse!

  2. Ames, I couldn't aggree with you more. I love your first one on the list...Loud Eating!!! Ugh. It makes me instantly bugged!! :)

  3. I agree!!

    I saw your status on facebook. I want spring too!!!!

  4. Once I read #1 I knew why you and Katie got along so well!!! Hee, hee, I just read Katie's comment! :)
