Monday, January 26, 2009

Grandpa's 80th Birthday Party

Last weekend my family got together to celebrate my Grandpa's 80th birthday! It was really great to get together with my dad's side of the family. They are a fun, artistic, beautiful, strong group of people who I love and adore. I'm proud of this part of my heritage and was excited to spend the day in honor of Grandpa.
(the whole family)
(just the cousins)

After a lovely lunch we enjoyed a little program. First, Grandma Donna's daughter and son sang a song called "Two Little Boys" that has been a favorite of my Grandpa's since he was a little boy. Then my dad read a poem that my Grandpa loved when he was little and used to have his sister read to him every night before bed. Then there were various musical numbers including my sister who played the fiddle,
and my cousin Emily who sang a song while her brother Jason played the drum. This girl is so bursting with artistic talent, she should be famous someday.

I loved looking at the old photos of my Grandpa that were displayed as well as a few newspaper articles about him. Hearing some memories from his life from his kids was touching. I always remember going to his barber shop in Idaho Falls and getting a sucker. He still calls me his Little Firecracker because I was born on the 5th of July. He loves football, especially IF High School and BYU. I loved going to his house for fresh raspberries with cream and sugar. He usually has a couple of cows on his property and a coup full of birds that he loves to tend to. I love you Grandpa! Happy Birthday!

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