Thursday, January 15, 2009


Who doesn't like to help, right? I do! I love the opportunity to do a little something that means a lot to someone else. It warms the heart. It makes me feel like a good person.

What I'm not good at is asking for help myself. I guess I've always wanted to be the "strong one" who can handle everything. The fighter, who will hold the world up on her shoulders, and keep her family intact. I'm now learning a new facet of strength.

The strength to know your own limits. The strength to know it's OK to ask for help, and still feel like a respectable person. Along with that, a greater respect for those whom I have served. And I feel much less likely to pass judgment on someone in need.

I've been compelled to humility by my pregnancy and the associated sickness. I think I expected too much of my husband, and myself. He gave me a beautiful Priesthood blessing the other night in which I was taught many Divine lessons. Among other things, he said to ask for help when needed because there are people around me who need the chance to serve. I guess that's the backwards way to get me to do that I think I am the one doing the favor!

I truly, truly do appreciate all those who have been so kind and thoughtful already. It really lifts the spirits to know there are people who care and will help without judging. It's a very tender way to create closeness between people.

So, feel free to decline, but expect me to learn from this experience by being more open and honest with my needs and more willing to accept help. The ironic thing is, once I came to this realization, a huge stress burden was lifted and I already felt a lot better physically. The Lord works in mysterious ways. He will ALWAYS give you opportunities to learn what you need in order to be your best self. And most the time, those around you learn through you too.


  1. I am with you, it has always been really hard for me to ask for help. I think I can do it all by myself. But, there are so many that want to help, and I want to help you (I know I haven't yet and I am a slacker) I will be calling you to see what I can do. I am sorry you are so sick, again, what is up with your pregnancies? Man, you are a trooper, if I was this way when I am prego, I would be with only kid right now. Best of luck!

  2. The thing I have to focus on is that when I finally get the baby in my arms, I know I will look at him/her and think, "Really? That's all I had to go through to get this miracle? It's too easy!"
    And if I had to go through this for Paige, Haily, or Charlie, I would do it in a heartbeat without hesitation. It's tough but it could be worse. I'm just so very grateful that I am able to be a mother.
