Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2nd Annual Downtown Christmas Trip

Last night for Family Home Evening we took our second annual trip with the Paxtons downtown for dinner and the lights at Temple Square. The weather had been so mild until yesterday when we got our first REAL snowfall of the year. We did not let that stop us! And besides, it only added to the winter splendor.

As is tradition, we started with a little pizza and pasta at the California Pizza Kitchen. Always a
great way to kick off any evening! Then we rode Trax to Temple Square. This was a thrill for the kids and a horror for the dads. Well, I guess just Jon really. I've said it before, I think Trax is high entertainment.

We walked around temple square enjoying the lights and the nativity scene. Then we went into the visitor's center to warm up and see the Christus.

Here are all the kids (sans Noah who was still recovering from a snowball fight gone awry). Then it was Trax back to the Gateway to get a little goodie.

I enjoyed a delectable double chocolate cookie from Ben's.
We look forward to repeating the tradition every year with our wonderful friends!


  1. For a second I thought Charlie was the one in the gold jacket with fur on the hood. I guess I'm too used to his penchant towards girl clothing. Looks like a fun and freezing time!

  2. I love the new header picture. We went to temple on saturday. I love that tradition.
