Friday, August 29, 2008

You were always on my mind...

Random thoughts I am having today:

1. Is it so horrible to let your kids watch TV for the bulk of the day?

2. How do I stop Charlie from pulling hair?

3. I need to spend more time on my spirituality.

4. It feels good to have the house generally clean.

5. How can I get my husband to take better care of his mental health?

6. Is it possible to win quizzy's word cahllenge?

7. What advice will I give my sister in law tonight at her wedding dinner? Have I learned anything that is worth sharing in the last 9 1/2 years? Or is it best to just go into a marraige blind? It's not like they are going to remember anything anyone says anyway, right?

8. How will I pay the bills this month? I beg of you, mailbox, produce a check or two!

9. I am still astonished at how good I feel today considering last night I was writhing naked on the bathroom floor in tears and pain. No, it wasn't an Eat, Pray, Love moment. I did a long training run and did NOT expect that much pain in my hamstrings. Which leads to...

10. Should I really do a marathon next month? Can I be ready that soon? Is it worth it? Is it just abusing my body? Will I regret it if I don't?

11. I need to take the girls school clothes shopping next week before they go back on track.

12. Are my kids getting a balanced diet?

13. I need to go to Target and get some tights for my girls to wear at the reception tomorrow night.

14. What will I wear tomorrow night? There will be lots of pictures taken. Hope everyone's hair looks like I DID actually comb it.

15. I haven't talked to my mom in a while. I should call her...

16. Now that I finished Breaking Dawn, what should I read next?

17. When will I ever get around to painting some rooms in the house? I have the colors picked out and everything!

18. I love that new show on MTV, Exiled. I sure feel blessed! My worries are so trivial compared to a lot of people in the world who live such a simple and meager existence.

19. What a beautiful time of year we are entering. Love the crisp fall air!

20. I need to figure out eBay. That could be a fun little side job.


  1. Okay, you think way too much! I am impressed!

    Good job on the training. When did you decide to run the Logan marathon? I hope your hamstrings feel better, those are painful when they are pulled or even just sore. Keep at it, you will do awesome!

  2. So many of the same questions on my mind!

    p.s. I just listed a bunch of clothes on ebay if you want to check them out for haily's back to school shopping.

  3. That is a lot going on in your head! Are your girls on track C? I neee to have them over this week. I am impressed you are going to do a marathon and that you have a natural gas powered vehicle! I love this blog thing. you learn so much about people.

  4. Reading that just made me really miss you. Here's something else to put on your mind...the double cartwheel. Can it be done, or is it just a myth? Oh, I think you know...

  5. P.S. As far as letting you kids watch TV for the bulk of the day...Lyndon already hands me the remote urging me to turn it on if by some reason it's happens to be turned off. I judge no one.
