Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I love Haily! It amazes me the things she comes up with. I am constantly giggling. Tonight we spent a good amount of time in the car running around and she was very talkative. Here are a few things I did not want to forget.

Haily: "Mom I am really smart. Kylee (our 4 year old neighbor) said that dinosaurs live in England. Isn't that funny?! But I said, no, they live in Heaven! Right mom, they live in Heaven?"
Me: "Yeeeeah." (uncertain as I had never pondered the question before)
Haily: "Yeah, they do. Kylee's not really smart. Well, she knows like one thing."

Haily: "Mom, will I ever be bigger than Paige?"
Me: "Probably not. You'll be about the same size when you are teenagers but she'll always be older."
Haily: "Maybe when Paige is older and I'm a little older Paige will be nice to me. Maybe. Just maybe..."
Me: "Well Paige can be nice to you now. She is trying to learn to do better. And she only has about a year until she's 8 and she'll be baptised so she'll really have to try harder to choose the right." (that last comment was more for Paige's benefit)
Haily: "Yeah, like Nick (her cousin). He got baptised and now he's nice. Even to Addy. (his sister)

Haily: "Mom am I going to die?"
Me: (trying to be careful and honest at the same time) "Well, everyone dies sometime. We don't live forever."
Haily: "Well, I don't want to die today. Or tomorrow or the next day..."
Me: "you won't"
Haily: "Yeah, I won't. You might but I won't. I'll make it home."

Me: "Shoot. I just missed the freeway exit!"

Haily: "I know a way. There was a little road back there. But there was a sign that said, Danger! Don't go this way or you'll run right into the mud. And you'll get stuck in the mud."

I need to record these on a more regular basis. Watch for more "Hailyisms" posts to come!


  1. She is hilarious! Where do they come up with this stuff?

  2. That is way too cute! Those are some of the most important things to write down. I think. The kids will love em when they get older.

  3. Too cute!! It is good to right them down, I always forget.

    I LOVE the NKOTB song...Classic!

  4. She is such a doll, I dont think I have ever seen a cuter little girl. Thanks for sharing!
