Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A special treat

OK ladies. Turn off my blog music, turn up your sound, get comfy and ENJOY!!!
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Joey, I miss you. I want this distance between us to be over. I haven't seen you since that dream when I peed in your tub. I know, a little awkward. Let's move past it and work it out. I'll be loving you forever.


  1. Because no one has commented on this post yet were you starting to wonder if maybe you were a little too honest and this was the awkward silence?
    No such thing, I say. And that video is YUMMY!

  2. Thank you Amy and Michelle for making me laugh out loud twice! The video is pretty good. However, In my heart, they don't compare to Justin Timberlake. You can't help who you love. if I had to pick a New kid I would totally pick Joey. I once thought I loved him after watching a special on the Disney Channel as a kid.
