Saturday, July 19, 2008

Make every bite count

I want to apologize to all who have, or who may in the future, encounter my son and walk away (or run screaming) with bite marks. Maybe he is an Edward Cullen in training...I don't know. And I'm not sure what to do about it.

He approaches very obviously, with teeth bared and a half-grin on his face. His sisters scream partly out of the thrill of it, partly because they are terrified. This only excites him more. Then, he goes for it. Usually the belly or back if the victim is a child, the inner thigh if an adult.

He has taken down his aunt Ericka, his Papa Mark, both his sisters and parents, neighbors, cousins, and strangers.

I think it all stemmed from this video

It doesn't help that the kid in the video is named Charlie. Or that groups of us would gather around the computer for months and laugh and imitate this adorable British boy.

For now we are trying to downplay the hubbub surrounding any biting incidences. So, be forewarned and be on guard. And please accept this pre-apology.

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