Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I've been thinking about the word CONTROL a lot lately.
Trying to get my life under control.

"Someone, control those kids!"

Been told I'm "controlling" That doesn't sound like a good thing!

One quote from Elder Holland's talk in general conference stood out to me. He said "the only real control in life is self-control".

So, I'm making more of an effort to control the things in life which I can. I am also trying to encourage my kids to do the same, learn self-control. Here are a few steps I've taken:
1 - FINALLY, got Meg sleeping through the night.

After having a near emotional breakdown at the pediatrician's office, I decided it was time! She had been on a particular bad stretch as far as sleeping goes and I was beat. She has also been very stubborn about eating, refusing a binky or a bottle! I've felt very tied down for the past 7 months so say the least!

My doctor said 4 nights. I knew besides getting through the anxiety of listening to her scream, I had to get the kids AND JON through it. So, I chose to start on a weekend so that the kids wouldn't have to get up for school the next day of they last a lot of sleep. Also, Jon was not going to be around and I didn't tell him my plan.

Night 1: I laid her in her bad already asleep. She woke up a couple hours later and cried for about 2 hours and 15 minutes. I went in her room on and off to reassure her that I didn't abandon her.

Night 2: Laid her in her bed awake but tired. She cried for about 20 minutes, fell asleep, was awakened by Charlie, cried for an hour. Woke up in the middle of the night and cried for about half hour.

Night 3: Went to bed awake, fussed for less than 2 minutes. Woke up about 45 minutes later. cried for 15 minutes, slept through the night!

Night 4: went down awake. slept through the night!

2 - Thought of a new motivational plan for the kids.

Who would've thought that a pile of small rocks could get kids to do homework, chores, practice piano, almost anything really!

They each have their own box. They earn a pebble for doing things. They lose a pebble for bad behavior. They earn prizes along the way as they reach marked points on their boxes. So far so good. Pebbles are very valuable in our home.

I'm proud of my little gems!


  1. nothing is worse than the tough love of getting babies to sleep!! good work! I also like the pebbles idea!

  2. I feel for you. Jake is going to be 6 months soon, so it's my turn. Your diary of the nights really made me feel like I can do it. Sounds live you've got your groove back! You need it apparantly so you can go to all those late night concerts:)

  3. For me that's hardest thing about having little babies... the NON-sleep factor. It's brutal. I'm so proud of you for getting Meg to sleep on her own.
    Good idea with the pebbles. I think I might try it. I need some leverage in this house.

  4. Look at you go girl! Taking control of your life. It looks like it worked too. Meg is probably much happy also.

    Hey, I use to have a very large homemade, month by month calendar on the fridge. Every day when the little ones did just as your kids are doing, they would get to pick a sticker and put the sticker on the day of the calendar. Heck, it worked so well I even kept a few calendars for their treasure books.

  5. I need to do the cryout with Wyatt, he is still getting up 3-4 times a night, its ridiculous.
