Thursday, March 11, 2010

little kids

This is what Charlie wore to bed tonight:
And here he is enjoying a grilled cheese at Downtown Philly:
This is Meg's (and my) new favorite:


  1. Oh! Look how cute she is! I heard about those little seats, I will have to get one! Charlie is a crack up in that! Can't wait to see them all!

  2. I love your babies name and don't we love the bumbo... or as Grace calls it "Dumbo". Charlie and Grace need to get together for dress up time. I loved the comment you left about the uniform of a mom to my sweats post - very funny and almost inspiring! I can't view that video of your new bff but that looks hilarious.

  3. We love the Bumbo too, eventhough it looks like a toilet sitting on your counter...not looking forward to that!
