Thursday, October 16, 2008

La Lasagna! and other reasons for a white face...

I recently inherited a pasta maker and Haily and I decided to test it out with some old country, Italian style, from scratch, takes forever to make, worth the effort LASAGNA!
I wrote the recipe myself, except for the actual pasta which is just 2 cups and flour and 2 eggs!

We made the noodles first, which was a lot of fun and a lotta mess! I also made the sauce from scratch. I chopped up some onions, carrots, garlic, and green peppers and sauteed them in olive oil until they were tender. Then added a big can of crushed tomatoes. We let that simmer for a while. We browned some Italian sausage and layered: sauce, noodles, sausage, ricotta cheese, repeat. We sliced a tomato and put the slices on top. We cooked it for about 45 minutes. It was delicious! I was very proud of it! And there was a lot of sauce left over so I saved it in a jar and used it later in the week.
On to the other white face...
Charlie saw a dermatologist this week for his delicate skin conditions. He gets to have treatments once a month where the Dr. puts beetle juice on his spots. Seriously, the stuff is called Canthacur and it comes from a beetle in Africa! It causes a reaction on his skin, and his own immune system kicks into action. It blisters up a little and gets red at first, then it is supposed to clear up. The Doctor was really great with him. He got to wear a gown, which was his favorite part, and then she gave him a cotton swab and let him "help" her tickles his spots. He still has a steroid cream for his eczema (which is much better) that we keep on the bathroom counter so that I remember to apply it after his bath. He climbed up there the other day, and this is how I found him:

Notice the green headband! He wanted to put on some of his special "lo-lo". He earned himself an early bath that day! And his scalp was 100% eczema free...


  1. Fun! Making home made pasta is really cool, we learned how to do it in my highschool foods class. I am going to have to try our your recipe, it sounds fabulous! Charlie cracks me up! OH I really like the new pic of you on your blog, you look so pretty. :)

  2. I hope the cream is cheap!

    I think I am in the mood for lasagna. Yum!!!

    Great picture of you at the top!

  3. Wow Amy I am impressed! Homemade lasanga!Sounds yummy! Charlie kills me! That is the funniest thing ever!Oh & i love his new bff's!

  4. Yummy! I remember my mom had a pasta maker and I use to love help make the noodles. What a fun thing for your kids to help with and to make a mess out of:)

  5. Charlie is the best. Seriously. THE BEST.
