Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sorry but this post will not have any pictures yet!! My computer crashed so I am using Jon's and need to figure things out when I have more time.
Anyway, wanted to update everyone on the birth of our baby now that it's been almost 2 weeks! Time flies so much faster outside the womb.
I was scheduled for a C-section on Friday the 28th of August but convinced myself she would come sooner because Charlie was born at 38 weeks. That did not happen. So on Friday morning Jon and I went to the hospital at 6am and at 747 out little cutie was born. She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 19 inches long. She has a lot of dark hair, mostly in the back. None of out other kids have had that much hair or hair that dark. We are hoping it won't all rub off!
I was in the hospital until Monday. My mom came and stayed with us for almost a whole week, which is such a life saver. Everything is so calm and peaceful when she is here. The kids are better behaved, the house is clean, food is delicious, and I just feel like everything will be OK. Needless to say I cried like a baby when she left!
I've had a lot of help from my mother-in-law and generous neighbors too. Meg is a great eater and nights have gotten a LITTLE but better. She just likes to eat every 2-3 hours but she'll go back to sleep after she's fed. The other kids can't get enough of her. Paige and Haily adore her and are such great helpers. Charlie is so tender and loving with her. He has been very gentle so far.
The girls went back to school today so things have quieted down during the day. Overall, I feel we are all adjusting pretty well. For me, having 4 kids isn't too much harder. Probably because my older 2 are so helpful, can go and play outside by themselves, and are in school all day.
We are so happy to have this little cutie in our house. There is nothing like a newborn baby! We welcome anyone who wants to come peek at her, just call first please! :)
I will get pictures up as soon as I find a minute!


  1. Congratulations! She sounds beautiful, you have the most beautiful babies. I cant wait to see pictures!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. PS- Dana now has a blog, I helped her set one up last weekend. Its kelvingtonfamily.blogspot.com

  4. so glad you are adjusting well. I will call soon and come see you and the new babe!

  5. Love the post. Can't wait to see your new beauty. Thanks for talking about adjusting to 4. Glad your older kids are in school and spaced well. Chad and I want a 4th (maybe), and we don't want to be much older, but I can't have 4 kids under 5. I'd surely die.

  6. Amy, I'm so happy for you guys. She sounds just so sweet. We'll be coming to idaho for Christmas this year so hopefully I'll get to see your whole family of SIX! Love ya, girl.

  7. I have been thinking about you...knowing you must have had your baby girl by now. Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of her! Glad to hear that you're doing well. Take care! Love ya!
